Midiacode PTBR


What is the Midiacode for?

Midiacode is a unique platform in the world. Under a single login, our customers access a suite with 6 mobile content and mobile marketing tools:

  1. State-of-the-art QR Codes
  2. Super apps
  3. Hosting of mobile content in the cloud (mobile web)
  4. Link shortener
  5. Links pages
  6. Virtual business card
  7. Location-based marketing


And we made all these tools interact seamlessly and magically, expanding the possibilities and consumer experience.

We took a simple technology, the QR Code, and studied its successes and failures for 12 years. We found improvement opportunities for its massive and scalable use.

We did manage to improve the experience well with these codes:

  • Made it easier to use
  • We add the customer’s brand applied industrially
  • We created the shortened QR Code, we even created the Nano QR Code 3x3mm
  • Faster to read
  • Easier to apply
  • Scalable
  • With multiple connections for publishing automation


For the end consumer, it helps to easily capture information and content that is everywhere, physical or digital, and put it on the Smartphone. Every day we receive information in various media, via the internet, social media, printed with information of all kinds, from brochures with product information, to medication leaflets, magazine and newspaper articles, posters, among others. If the information is relevant to you or you need to share it with someone, just search the Midiacode and capture the information for you.



What makes Midiacode different?

We are the only ones with third-generation QR Codes and we are already developing the fourth generation.

Our competitors have first and second-generation QR Codes only. We also have these generations in our solution, but we deliver more.

The first generation is the QR Code that points only at a URL. It is the simplest and most popular. It’s free and because of that, many people still use this technology in a provincial way.

The second generation is the dynamic QR Code, where the brand can change the final destination URL of the code, without changing the code design. It also has analytics and so it’s not free. Each QR Code points to only one URL. The QR Code can be customized with your brand and colors.

In the third generation, where we are the only and exclusive suppliers, the QR Code delivers content in PDF (mobile friendly) or HTML and 3 more links (for a website, video, and e-commerce). All this is from a single QR Code. In addition, you can make it behave like a second-generation QR Code, simply and directly pointing to a URL and, whenever you want, make that same QR Code deliver content and multiple links. The third-generation QR Code also works well with or without an app. In the case of our super app, using our third-generation QR Code, the user can collect the contents on their smartphone and access them whenever they want and forever.

Upon publishing, the company will not have to create a new website page every time it wants to deliver content. In 3 minutes the content will be created and published. It’s easy to centrally create and manage all code.

And we are creating the fourth generation of QR Codes that deliver content at other levels of context. Not only in the context of the product, but also in the person who captures it, the place, and the profile.


Can Midiacode be created with other technologies such as NFC?

The main objective of Midiacode is to connect the physical world with the digital so that the consumer can capture information and content from the physical world to the Smartphone, in an easy and organized way. The contents can be captured through QR Code, NFC, iBeacom, and others that we will implement throughout the time. We created Midiacode with the most cost-effective connection solution first, which is the QR Code. Even so, we created an indexing technology that allows the smallest codes on the market. NFC and iBeacom are configurable technologies. In addition to the QR Code, we have other trigger technologies for the content: geolocation, links on social networks, menus in our super app and even the creation of the publisher client’s own super app


In a media, where is the Mediacode located?

Midiacode is usually located at the bottom right of the media. In packaging, you can find the Midiacode on the back label of the products or on the side.


If I don’t find a Midiacode printed along with the information I want to capture, will I still be able to capture the information?

No, if the presentation, content, print, or packaging does not have a Midiacode on it, you will not be able to capture the information unless you use a camera.


Can I capture information even when I am in a place without Internet coverage?

Yup. It doesn’t matter if you’re on a plane reading a magazine or on a subway viewing a poster offering a coupon (ie in areas with no carrier coverage and no Wifi), just open your app and capture the Midiacode. You can even share your Midiacode with friends and family. When capturing a Midiacode without Internet coverage, you will not be able to view the content online, but don’t worry, the content is already saved on your Smartphone for later reference, as soon as you enter a coverage zone.


What are the advantages of using Midiacode instead of a common QR Code?

The Midiacode is a real revolution in relation to the common QR Code. In our company, we studied and observed for years the technologies that mediate between the physical and digital worlds to create a solution that eliminates all the limitations of the common QR Code. If you want to publish information, whether in the marketing department of a large corporation or in a small fast printing company (or even in a micro company) it is important to understand some of the advantages of Midiacode over common QR Codes:

– Midiacode delivers content to the consumer directly. Unlike common QR Codes, which only point to a URL (a page on the Internet), Midiacode delivers the content in printed form, in PDF format.

– Midiacode can be used in areas without Internet coverage.

– Multiple dynamic links. Midiacode, in addition to delivering content for the consumer to keep the information, connects the consumer to 3 links: an internet page (which can be a hotsite), a youtube video, and an e-commerce site. The user views the PDF and the links to other related content are already shown to him right below the document.

– The Midiacode application saves all captured content in an organized way in notebooks. It is easy for the consumer to find the captured content.

– User can share captured content. For example, if a magazine has Midiacodes in the articles, the reader can capture one of them to share


Does Midiacode deliver content other than PDF? Could I deliver an MP3 song, for example?

Midiacode was designed to eliminate the need for people to carry paper around. Nobody likes to carry paper anymore. Therefore, Midiacode delivers the PDF of the paper content to the end consumer’s Smartphone, plus other correlated content. These other contents are delivered via URL links (to web pages, youtube video or e-commerce). In the web page link, you can point to other media formats, like MP3.


Is Midiacode paid?

Midiacode is completely free for the end consumer and always will be. For those who publish, Midiacode has a good free Trial package, so that the platform can be tested before publishing to a large audience. With a large volume of distribution, those who publish must upgrade their plan.


I don’t have a company, can I publish using Midiacode?

Yes, sure! Any person, company, or institution can publish on Midiacode. We are an absolutely democratic, open, and plural platform.


Are there statistics on the number of people who are capturing my content, downloading my PDF, and accessing my links?

Midiacode allows your form to be “clicked” with the end consumer’s smartphone. On being clicked, Midiacode counts how many people are capturing, downloading, accessing links, and sharing its content.


How do I create a Midiacode?

Creating a Midiacode is super easy: after logging in, enter the Publishing link (click here to access it) and click on the “Create a new Mediacode” button. From this moment on, there are 6 simple steps to publish your Mediacode, in approximately 5 minutes:

Enter your Mediacode name
Set the category of your content
Set 3 links for website, Youtube video and e-commerce site. These items are completely optional. You can enter only one of the links, all or none. Full flexibility.
Receive the design from Midiacode. In this step, you will see the Mediacode assigned to your content. Save it to your computer and insert it into your print design, using the editing tools you like: Adobe Illustrator, Photoshop, CorelDraw, etc.

  1. With the design of your content already finalized, that is, with the Midiacode inserted, upload your PDF to the Midiacode servers. This file is exactly what will be distributed to your customers.
    Save and publish your content.


    Are there restrictions on the content that can be published?

    Although any person, company or institution can publish on Midiacode, there are restrictions on the content that can be published. In principle, everything can be published as long as it does not contain information related to the practice of crimes, illegal actions, racism and discrimination, among other correlates and typified by law.


    What is the maximum size of the PDF that I can publish in Midiacode?

    The maximum PDF size is 5 Megabytes. However, always proofread your content so that it is as small as possible. A folder has an average of 150 Kilobytes, or 0.15 Megabytes. The smallest size is always ideal for your content as it will be downloaded by users all over the world, most of the time on Smartphones connected through cell phone operators, with low delivery speed connections. If your content gets too big, the end consumer will have to wait a long time to download and this can frustrate them, even motivating them to give up on downloading.


    What materials can the Mediacode be applied to?

    Mediacode can be applied to any physical media: paper, wood, plastic, labels, metal, glass, etc. Normally, the Mediacode is applied in printed matter, such as folders, flyers, brochures, books, notebooks, magazines, newspapers, advertisements inside magazines/newspapers, fashion catalogs, product catalogs, packaging, medicine leaflets, product labels, clothing, shop windows and doors, restaurant menus, posters and information panels, movie posters, programming guides, toys, academic papers, among many others. Everything that receives an impression can carry a Mediacode, with useful information for the consumer. Midiacode may contain more content, including marketing your products to your customer.

    In magazines, when sharing a story via Mediacode, editors can insert clickable advertising pages that can be sold to advertisers.

    Midiacode is fantastic for business events, where visitors can capture all the most relevant content without losing contact with exhibitors. Many visitors end up throwing away many of the forms received, even those that interest them, so they don’t have to carry paper. Midiacode solves this dilemma definitively.

    In digital “prints”, the Midiacode can also be applied, as electronic media in elevators or in company halls, banks, malls, etc. In greeting cards on Facebook, distribution of fashion catalogs on social networks, among others.


    How to get the app?

    To download the application on your Smartphone, just access the Google Play application store and search for Midiacode. Soon we will also be making the Midiacode available on the Apple Store and Windows Phone Store.


    Is it necessary to have a lot of people with the Midiacode application installed for me to start my campaign with content from my company?

    Not. Your content can be distributed even if no person in your region has the Mediacode. This happens because when scanning a Mediacode through another QR Code reader, the consumer will be automatically directed to create a Mediacode account. With the account created, your content will already be associated with your consumer. Then the consumer is led to download the Midiacode application. Every time he shares your content with friends and family, he also distributes the app automatically.


    Can Mediacode be used on packaging and labels?

    Yup. Midiacode uses an indexing technology that allows the smallest codes on the market. We know how important this is for companies, as spaces on labels and packaging are always highly sought after. Companies can distribute a lot of relevant content to their consumers through their product packaging and labels.

See some examples below:

Food companies can distribute Cookbooks through Mediacode applied directly to their product labels
Printer companies can distribute the Installation Manual through the Mediacode applied to the back label of the equipment. That is, the exact manual of the customer’s printer model will be delivered, without errors, without doubts. The company can still put the link to the printer installation driver associated with the Manual in Midiacode. Thus, printer customers will no longer need to go to these companies’ websites and search or try to guess which exact printer model they have.
Very small packages will be able to inform the nutritional factors of food products through Midiacode, in addition to being able to deliver much more information about the product to consumers.
Car manuals can be associated with a Midiacode, printed on a label that can be placed in the glove compartment or on the side of the doors. Even if the customer loses the printed manual, he will never lose the manual through Midiacode.
Several other printed materials, such as installation details for electrical or electronic equipment, in-depth manuals on toy safety, among others.


After publishing, can I change the content and links that the Mediacode points to?

Yes, all codes created in Midiacode are dynamic. This means that you can create content and update it as often as you like.

Links associated with content can also be updated unlimitedly. An important point to note is that your consumer has already captured your content and that if you modify it, they may become frustrated. Updates of the same content are always welcome.



Is it easy to update my Mediacode PDF?

It is very easy to update the already published Mediacode PDF. Just enter the Published Mediacodes page and access the content you want to update. Open step 5 and load the new (updated) PDF. In step 6, click Save and Publish.


Can I share the content I capture?

Yes, all Midiacode content is shareable through all mechanisms installed on your Smartphone: email, WhatsApp, Evernote, Facebook, Skype, Linkedin, Twitter, Dropbox, Bluetooth, Message, Wifi direct, etc etc etc.


Can the Midiacode app capture common QR Codes?

Yes, Midiacode can be used as your universal QR Code reader. In addition to capturing the Midiacodes, giving you the chance to store information in an intelligent and organized way, the Mediacode app also reads the most common QR Codes.


Is it possible to distribute coupons with Midiacode?

Unlimited coupons (no numbering) can be distributed via Midiacode. Numbered coupons, coming soon.


Can Midiacode decrease paper printing?

Many people believe that Mediacode can slow down paper printing. However, to be captured, in most of the examples given, the Mediacode needs to be printed on a medium, which is usually paper. We believe that Midiacode can enhance paper printing as it is a technology that adds value to paper printing. In some cases, savings can be made. In others, higher print volume.


I would like to resell the Mediacode. It is possible?

Yes, it is possible. You can access the reseller plan, with exclusive benefits for Midiacode partners. If you want more information, send a message to info@midiacode.com