Midiacode PTBR

Smart cities

If your city is looking for solutions to improve the experience of citizens and visitors, Midiacode can help

The Midiacode Creates

a super app with practical and useful solutions for your city and citizens easily, quickly and in stages, according to your city’s needs.


- Monitoring of disease cases
- Vaccination campaigns
- Guidance and Prevention
- Health campaigns
- Health Programs
- Health Units
- Indicators
- Ombudsman


- Training of security agents
- Guides and guidelines for teams
- Relationship with the press
- Equipment manuals
- Instruction in schools
- Community agents
- Civil defense
- Indicators
- Scales
- Alerts


- Relationship with the press
- Vacancies (always updated!)
- How to make a resume
- Worker's Booklets
- Workers' rights
- Unemployment insurance
- Vital Curriculum
- Trainings
- Campaigns
- Indicators
- Courses


- Official communications to citizens, by theme, super segmentation of audiences
- Training
- Press


- Methodology guides for teachers (we have that ready)
- 21st century education methodologies
- Teacher training
- Academic Calendar
- Student Handbook
- Educational Management
- Literary Shelf
- Indicators


- Guides and guidelines for policies to encourage culture
- Registration of cultural heritage
- Regional centers
- Courses and workshops
- Cultural guides
- Art classes
- Events


- City guide for locals
- City guide for tourists
- Official city calendar
- Restaurant guides - Guide training
- Historic churches
- Monuments
- Indicators
- Museums
- Events

Works and Infrastructure

- Construction plates, always up to date, with before and after
- Works authorization records
- Guides to the citizen, to the builder
- Material traceability
- Vehicle identification
- Training

Accessible content everywhere

Through the implementation of your city’s Super App, based on the Midiacode platform, people will be able to access content everywhere, whether at a monument, at a health center, or at a citizen service desk.


When people easily acquire and access content and knowledge of the city, they feel safer, more productive and happier! We believe in it!

Ready to transform your city?

Implementation in stages, according to the most immediate needs of your citizen. We impact the people of your city in the short term and we are increasing the reach of the solution. A SUPER APP AND MULTIPLE USES IN THE CITY!